Other Faiths
Other Faiths in Kenya
In addition to Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism, Kenya is home to various other faiths and religious practices, reflecting its rich cultural and religious diversity.
More than 10 faiths
It’s important to note that Kenya’s religious landscape is dynamic and characterized by religious pluralism. People from various faiths coexist and contribute to the country’s cultural and social diversity. While Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism are the largest religious groups, a wide array of belief systems and spiritual practices enrich the tapestry of faith in Kenya.

Major Religions in Kenya
Traditional African Religions
Many indigenous African communities in Kenya maintain their traditional religious beliefs and practices. These religions are often rooted in animism, ancestor worship, and a deep connection to nature. Rituals and ceremonies are essential components of these belief systems.
The Sikh community in Kenya is relatively small but has a historical presence. Sikhs are known for their gurdwaras (places of worship), where they gather for prayers, religious ceremonies, and community service. Nairobi has a prominent Sikh temple, the Siri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara.
Bahá'í Faith
The Bahá’í Faith has followers in Kenya and is known for its message of unity, equality, and world peace. Bahá’í communities engage in various social and educational activities.
While Buddhism is not widely practiced in Kenya, there are a small number of Buddhists, often comprising expatriates and those interested in Eastern spiritual traditions. They may gather for meditation and study groups.
Indigenous and Minority Religions
Kenya is home to a variety of indigenous and minority religious groups, some of which blend elements of Christianity or Islam with their traditional beliefs. These include groups like the Dini ya Msambwa, which combines Christianity with indigenous Kikuyu traditions.
Jainism is practiced by a very small community in Kenya, primarily among Indian expatriates. Jain temples exist in cities with significant Indian populations.
A small Jewish community exists in Kenya, consisting mainly of expatriates, diplomats, and businesspeople. Nairobi has a synagogue where Jewish worship services and events are held.
The Rastafarian movement has a presence in Kenya, particularly among those who embrace its philosophy and reggae music. Rastafarians often gather informally for music events and discussions.